Arctic Spleen Documentary
Arctic Spleen is a personal intimate journey inside the Greenlandic juvenile world where nature, violence, boredom and a strong cultural legacy have been claiming for decades hundreds of young lives. In East Greenland, 20% of young people aged between 15 and 25 try to end their lives every year. 2% of them succeed. The personal experiences of Ole, Elvira, Hans and Kaleraaq, who survived several attempts, are not single isolated stories but the mirror of the fears of a huge part of young Greenlanders inclined to commit suicide. You can view the trailer below, full doc available upon request.
Winner Best Documentary – 17th Genova Film Festival, 2015 “Premio Corso Salani” – Trieste Film Festival, 2013
Official Selection American Doc Film Festival – Palm Springs (2015), 3rd Lugano Film Festival (2014), 5th Manya Human Rights International Film Festival – Uganda (2014), 10th Frozen River Film Festival – Winona (2015)